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Air-Handling Unit MANDÍK with heat pump

Modular Air-Handling Units are intended for central distribution and conditioning of air in both industrial and commercial applications. The units contain plate air-air energy recovery heat exchanger and integrated cooling circuit with or without reversible run for after-cooling or after-heating of the supplied air. They feature high efficiency of air distribution and conditioning with minimal operating costs. They offer airflow volume from 500 to 40 000 m3/h. They are completely designed and certified in a unique frameless casing. High design variability - custom solutions.



  • airflow volume from 500 to 40 000 m3/h
  • design option from 89 typized sizes in square Mplus, rectangular Pplus a transport Tplus diameter
  • design option in dynamic, or its own dimension in steps of 1 mm for the entire range of airflow volume
  • possibility of arbitrary assembly of chambers into compact blocks within the assembly unit, including the possibility of setting the own length of the chamber / compact
  • choosing of three types of casing according to thermal transmission classes and thermal bridges T2 TB3 / T2 TB1 / T1 TB1, for all KJM series including dynamic dimension and for the whole range of airflow volume
  • for casing T1 TB1/T2 TB1 the thermal transmittance of the casing and the thermal bridges are eliminated in accordance with the standard EN 1886
  • design as required ECODESIGN by direction EU 1253/2014, ErP 2018
  • certified three types of unit casing by the Munich laboratory TÜV-SÜD by standard EN 1886
  • certification according to the requirements of the German Association of RLT Equipment Manufacturers and the possibility of designing in energy classes up to A + and displaying the energy label by a certified German company TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH
  • possibility to design the unit in vertical arrangement (supply and exhaust parts of the unit one above the other), horizontal arrangement (side by side), or in ceiling design
  • possibility of design in various atypical designs - set to shape „L“, „U“, vertical outlets on top / bottom side, front / back side
  • indoor, outdoor or hygienic design
  • choice of surfaces (outside/inside part of casing, in-builts, terminal panels,base frame) in combinations of – zinc-coated, stainless steel, painted
  • for powder coating, the choice of any RAL shade
  • thanks to the unique frameless construction, the inner surface is smooth (without internal reinforcements, sharp edges, corners, etc.) in standard design and without additional assembly modifications (joint sealing etc.)
  • wide range of choice of types and thus the efficiency of recuperators (plate cross / counter flow, rotary) exchangers in any type size or dynamic dimension
  • possibility of design of counter-flow recuperative heat exchangers up to 20 000 m3/h
  • Possibility of design without recuperation exchanger, only with cooling circuit as active recuperation
  • choice of types or compressor control - analog on / off controlled by frequency converter or digital controlled by 0-10V signal
  • the cooling circuit can be designed for R410A or R407C environmentally friendly refrigerants
  • bivalent heat source - water, electric or gas
  • own overpressure gas heaters GHM of heating power of 50 to 600 kW, using latent heat from flue gas condensate
  • MONZUN own gas heaters for smaller heating power of 15 to 60 kW
  • choice of different types of fan electric motors - AC / EC, different types of impellers - metal, composite, different types of geometry of free impellers - different efficiency and acoustic parameters, different fan designs - directly on the partition in vertical / horizontal design, installation for floor and various fan configurations - separate, fan walls
  • Own control systém on Siemens Climatix platform
  • certification of the control system according to Directive 2004/108 / EC (electromagnetic compatibility EMC) and according to Directive 2006/95 / EC (low voltage LVD)
  • high variability of the control system - various types of switchboards, controllers, remote controls and other peripherals according to customer requirements
  • possibility of atypical customer requirements and tailor-made M&R project
  • the ability to remotely manage the unit using Mandik Cloud
  • emphasis on high quality technical workmanship and price / performance ratio
  • emphasis on high quality of tested and certified purchased components - fans, heat exchangers, heat exchangers and others
  • emphasis on easy access for service and maintenance
  • own service center - immediate trips within the warranty period, the possibility of ordering the commissioning service, warranty / post-warranty service

Casing parameters – 3 types - T1 TB1/ T2 TB1/ T2 TB3

Certified by the testing laboratory TÜV-SÜD Munich by EN 1886.
For all sizes M, P and T airflow volumes 500 - 100 000 m3/h.
Casing parameters T1 TB1:  
Mechanical strength of casing: D1 (M)                     Thermal transmittance: T1
Class leakages casing: L2 (M)                     Thermal bridging of casing: TB1
Filter bypass leakage: 0.5% - F9 (M)
Casing attenuation in band: Hz 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
  dB 14 29 37 39 45 50 55
Casing parameters T2 TB1:  
Mechanical strength of casing: D1 (M)                     Thermal transmittance: T2
Class leakages casing: L1 (M)                     Thermal bridging of casing: TB1
Filter bypass leakage: 0.5% - F9 (M)
Casing attenuation in band: Hz 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
  dB 12 20 31 36 36 40 50
Casing parameters T2 TB3:  
Mechanical strength of casing: D1 (M)                     Thermal transmittance: T2
Class leakages casing: L1 (M)                     Thermal bridging of casing: TB3
Filter bypass leakage: 0.5% - F9 (M)
Casing attenuation in band: Hz 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
  dB 18 26 28 34 37 40 45

Air-Handling Unit functions

  Air filtration - frame, bag, compact grease filters, HEPA filters, active coal
  Air distribution - free impellers with AC or EC motors
  Air conditioning - heating - water, steam, electric, gas, condensing

 - cooling - water, evaporating

 - recuperation - plate (cross/counter flow exchanger), rotary regeneration, fluid (glycol)

 - humidifying - steam, adiabatic

  Noise attenuation - baffle silencers, resonance silencers

Engineering design of the Air-Handling Units

  Air-Handling Units with heat pump are designed by our specialists after receipt of the customer's specifications.
  Possibility of using our free service of engineering design by our specialists, or contact to sales representatives CONTACTS.