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Breaches Reporting (the so called supervision whistleblowing)

Who can report?
  • anybody (the breach may also be reported anonymously) The reporting person, also called the whistleblower, is a person that, within the given organization, points out the possible unfair practices within that organization.
What is reported?
  • a breach or impending breach of the legal regulation
The way of reporting:
  • via the communication channel that ensures the privacy of the provided information while protecting both the reporting person and the reported person, as well as their personal data
The communication channel (options, how to report the breach):
   1) In writing to the following address:

MANDÍK, a.s.
Dobříšská 550
267 24 Hostomice

   2) Electronically to the following address:


   3) or in person with the HR department.

The report that is marked and protected in this manner shall be received and processed by MANDÍK, a.s. outside the scope of the normal communication.

   4) Web form:

The authorized person is a HR Manager.

The content of the report:
   The protected report must always contain the following:
  • Identification of the organization concerned;
  • Identification of the violation that it addresses (as descriptive as possible).
   The protected report may also contain the following:
  • The contact details of the reporting person;
  • The underlying documents and pieces of evidence.
In order to evaluate the content of the report, MANDÍK, a.s. may need to contact the reporting person and ask it to provide additional information or more closely clarify the provided information. I such cases, MANDÍK, a.s. turns to the reporting person, provided that its identity is known or that it is possible to contact it and that, at the same time, this procedure does not jeopardize the interest regarding the protection of the identity of the reporting person or its personal data.
Protection of persons and personal data:
  • MANDÍK, a.s. is, according to the law, obliged to protect both the reporting person and reported person.
The manner of handling the report:
  • MANDÍK, a.s. shall confirm that it received the written report of the breach to the electronic or postal address that the reporting person specified, unless the reporting person asked that the confirmation be made in another way. However, MANDÍK, a.s. shall not proceed this way if the interest regarding the protection of the identity of the reporting person or its personal data could be put at risk due to following this procedure.
  • Depending on the content of the report, MANDÍK, a.s. shall, as part of performing the supervision, adopt the respective measures; it shall then inform the reporting person as to what results the individual reports lead. The feedback concerning the follow-up results of the report shall be provided to the reporting person within the time limit that is reasonable for evaluating the content of the report and adopting the respective measures as part of conducting the supervision.
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