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FDMSFire damper

FDMS – The damper in the HVAC equipment duct that prevents the spread of fire and combustion products from one fire segment to another by shutting off the airflow at the fixture points. The damper is fitted with collar, that replaces the function of the fire seals and simplifying its own installation in fire separating constructions. In case of FDMS with VAV actuator is added to the damper a function of controlling of the airflow rate - same like a variable airflow regulator. In this case the fire damper casing is extended by an extension, which includes the measurement cross and the controller.



  • Dampers from ø100 to 630 mm
  • CE certified acc. to EN 15650
  • Tested in accordance with EN 1366-2
  • Classified acc. to EN 13501-3+A1
  • Fire resistance up to EI 90 S
  • External Casing leakage class ATC 3,
  • Internal leakage class 2 acc. to EN 1751
  • Corrosion resistant acc. to EN 15650
  • In case of FDMS cycling test in class C 10 000 acc. to EN 15650
  • In case of FDMS with VAV actuator cycling test in class C 20 000 acc. to EN 15650
  • In case of FDMS is mechanical control or actuating mechanism
  • In case of FDMS with VAV actuator is actuating mechanism only
  • Maximum air speed through opened damper of 12 m/s and pressure difference 2500 Pa
  • "P-mark"  certification from RISE Institute in Sweden