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Fire dampers and CLT panels? MANDIK has the solution!

At MANDÍK, we are constantly looking for ways to innovate our products while adapting to the latest trends in the construction industry. One of these trends is the growing use of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT), an environmentally friendly and efficient building material. Composed of cross-laminated timber slats, CLT panels offer excellent mechanical properties and are valued for their sustainability and aesthetics. They are becoming a popular choice for various types of construction projects, from apartment buildings to office buildings.
An example of our innovative approach is the testing of our fire dampers in conjunction with modern CLT panels. These tests illustrate how we can combine advanced fire protection technologies with environmentally friendly building materials. The test results are as follows:

The FDMS damper installed into wall construction made from a CLT panel with a thickness of 90 mm achieved fire resistance EI 60 S.
The FDMB damper installed into wall construction made from a CLT panel with a thickness of 100 mm achieved fire resistance EI 90 S.
The FDMB damper installed into ceiling construction made from a CLT panel with a thickness of 140 mm achieved fire resistance EI 90 S.


Our company is dedicated to upholding high standards of safety and quality in building fire safety solutions. Our successful integration of fire dampers into CLT panels exemplifies this, allowing for broader application in various construction projects. This effort aligns seamlessly with our commitment to sustainable construction practices and industry trends.
As a company, we are proud of the results and the hard work of our entire team.
If you would like more information about our products for fire safety in your construction projects, we are here to help. Feel free to contact us for further details or consultation.
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